Writing Our Lives Day 13
Hey, it’s Day 13. I hope these writing prompts have been useful and that you’re getting some of your stories written! Today’s photo prompt is what I’ve always called “Thing.” The yellow fuzzy “thing” was purchased at a Stucky’s along a highway on our family’s trip...
Writing Our Stories Day 12
Welcome to Day 12 of Writing Our Stories! The photo today is of my brother and me in front of the tanks at Prairie Grove Battlefield in Arkansas in the 1960s. (Note: the tanks are no longer there. The park has been returned to a setting more aligned with the...
Writing Our Stories Day 11
Hey, it’s Day 11 of Writing Our Stories. How’s it going? Everyone comes to writing with their own goals. Maybe you want to preserve your stories, or your family stories. Maybe you want to eventually write a book. Maybe you journal regularly and feel you should...
Writing Our Stories Day 10
Welcome to Day 10 of Writing Our Stories - or, How to Become a Writer Without Really Trying Several of you sent me your kitchen stories yesterday. I’m happy to hear how your mind is stretching out to grab memories and that you’re writing down these stories....
Writing Our Stories Day 9
Writing Our Stories Day 9 How’s the writing going? I’m hearing from a handful of people and I hope that means that many others of you are following along and writing, too. My mind is already bouncing around with a dozen or so ideas about today’s topic: your...
Writing Our Stories Day 8
Writing Our Stories Day 8 Today let’s think about activities we participated in, had a passion for, as a teen. No, that’s not me in the rodeo - I was the photographer. Since my brother was my hero, and he was a photographer, I took up photography. Starting in junior...
Writing Our Lives Day 7
Today we are at Day 7 of Writing Our Lives. Are you writing? If so, drop a note on the Instagram or Facebook page. While I had considered shortening this from 21 days to 7, after getting feedback and reading stories from participants, I’m excited about going full...
Writing Our Stories – Day 6
Today is Day 6 of Writing Our Stories. Today’s prompt: bodies of water This should be an easy one, right? Surely everyone has a personal connection with a stream or a river, a pond or a lake, or an ocean. I didn’t see or step foot in an ocean until I was about...
Writing Our Stories Day 5
Welcome to Day 5 of Writing Our Stories (How to Become a Writer Without Really Trying) Today, think about or search for items around your house that are pieces of your past. Pick up one or two items and spend some time looking at each one, holding each one in your...
Writing Our Lives Day 4
Welcome to Day 4 of Writing Our Stories - or How to Become a Writer Without Really Trying Today’s Prompt: Keys Do you have random keys in a junk drawer? Or loose on the dresser? Maybe you know what they go to. Maybe you don’t. What stories might be held in a key? Is...
The landscape is one hill folding into another, bodies of hills lying together. There are few trees for shade. We make our own shadows here, unless a cloud runs interference with the sun.
As a hawk glides overhead, we feel the rhythms of land and sky. And somewhere out here, we step into that space between questions and answers, a place where we are satisfied with the unknown.
After darkness comes, the wind settles down, and the Milky Way flings itself across the sky. A rumor of coyotes hangs in the night air.
When the world closes up shop, when the sky turns from blue to black for the very last time, when the last poem is written and read, this is where I want to be – out in my beloved Flint Hills.
– excerpt from “At Home in the Flint Hills,” Waiting on the Sky by Cheryl Unruh ©2013