My grandfather
Hey, it’s Day 11 of Writing Our Stories. How’s it going?
Everyone comes to writing with their own goals. Maybe you want to preserve your stories, or your family stories. Maybe you want to eventually write a book. Maybe you journal regularly and feel you should be doing something more with your writing. Maybe writing is just an unexplained drive for you.
Whatever brings you to writing, I hope you’re finding ideas and encouragement in these 21 Days of writing prompts.
Today’s prompt: write about an older person.
Maybe you’ll write about the old guy you see in the grocery store, the one pushing around a cart with 3 bananas. You try to catch his eyes so you can give him a smile. Why is he worthy of writing about? Because you see him. You step into his life for just a moment. In that moment, you feel a shift within your own body. Write about those emotions, write about what you imagine his life to be like, or who he reminds you of.
Or, you can write about an older people in your life when you were younger. Someone you looked up to. A 4-H leader, a boss, an elder in your church.
Who might I write about?
*My grandfather (pictured) and how I barely knew him. He lived in another state. I saw him twice a year, at best. He died when I was about 16. I can write about what I did know about him, what I would’ve liked to have known.
*Great Aunt Cora (grandpa’s sister) and how we visited her once a year, too. She was a retired teacher and my brother and I knew not to even think about acting up in her presence. Just a look from her shrunk us down to silence. She was a solid woman, heavily-girdled, always wearing a jersey dress that all teachers wore in the early ‘60s.
Ok, that’s it. Go get ‘em. Cheryl
#writing #writingprompts #prompts #memoir #memoirwriting #lifestories #kansas #smalltownlife
Follow me on facebook: Cheryl Unruh, author
Instagram: writteninkansas
Blog: cherylunruh.com
Buy my newest book: Gravedigger’s Daughter: Vignettes from a Small Kansas Town, published by Meadowlark Press. https://bit.ly/3A82WRN
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