Writing Our Stories Day 18

Writing Our Stories Day 18

  So, here we are. Each of us – in Kansas anyway – waking up inside our own little snow fort. We look out the door and white is all we see. A fresh and deep layer of snow for us, and still coming down. The sound of any moving vehicles is muffled,...
Writing Our Stories Day 9

Writing Our Stories Day 9

  Writing Our Stories Day 9  How’s the writing going? I’m hearing from a handful of people and I hope that means that many others of you are following along and writing, too. My mind is already bouncing around with a dozen or so ideas about today’s topic: your...
Writing Our Stories Day 5

Writing Our Stories Day 5

Welcome to Day 5 of Writing Our Stories (How to Become a Writer Without Really Trying) Today, think about or search for items around your house that are pieces of your past.  Pick up one or two items and spend some time looking at each one, holding each one in your...